FAI (Femoro-acetabular Impingement) & Karate

My personal experience with FAI and what you should know about this condition

frustration builds as I get used to sedentary life

Day 5 of hip surgery 2: I feel fine, physically.  I really feel like I should be doing physical therapy.  But the doctor told me to hold off for at least another week.  So I am biting my lip, so to speak, trying to move as slowly and carefully as I can, planning to keep these crutches attached to me for many weeks.  I regained my appetite within a couple days of the surgery.  So since I am not able to do almost any exercise yet (I plan to start upper-body workouts this weekend, but many of those can irritate my hip region) I am hoping that I can at least finally push to a new weight record during this rest period.  The most I have ever managed to weigh has been 153lbs.  I am within a pound of that now.  So this may be my chance…

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