FAI (Femoro-acetabular Impingement) & Karate

My personal experience with FAI and what you should know about this condition

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I just got an unexpected POP out of my right (soon to be replaced) hip as I stood up. That hip is noticeably more flexible right now than it usually is these days. My hips have both tightened up over the past 6 months. The pain is quite acute when I am in certain positions, such as putting on pants or socks while standing. I am walking with an obvious limp. But I feel very good in general. I know it will just be 6 weeks to my new hip. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer!

2nd hip to be replaced in May

Due to the terrible state of the insurance system in this country, I have delayed my surgery until May, at which time our upgraded insurance coverage (in exchange for higher premiums) will kick in.

I went to the physical therapist today to get an assessment on my carpal tunnel problem and related tennis elbow. She had me take off my shirt and look over my alignment. She commented about my obvious “tilt” to one side. I explained that I was fully aware of the fact that I’m putting most of my weight on my left side, since putting weight on my right hip is painful… I worry a little about the damage I’m doing to my left (good, replaced) hip through this unnatural favoring. But I think it’s worth the many thousands of dollars difference waiting to have the operation a few months later.  <sigh>

2nd replacement tentatively set for Feb, 2013

Earlier this week, I had a fresh set of Xrays taken and spoke with Dr Huddleston, the surgeon who performed my first replacement. The Xrays confirmed what I already knew; I am bone-on-bone. The procedure is to be the same as the last one. I might as well get it done sooner rather than later… Still in a lot of pain but at least there is light at the end of this tunnel. Looking at the Xrays of the replaced side, the doc explained that 3 years into their study at Stanford (where I’ve been going for all my hip operations), they have had no reports of any problems.

Hoping to make it to 5 years on my resurfaced hip…

I had my first resurfacing in Dec 2007 (left side). My second resurfacing was in Feb 2008 (right side). I had my left hip replaced in Dec 2008. My right hip has been deteriorating rapidly over the past 6 months or so. Each week it gets noticeably worse. I am due to see my doctor (the replacement doctor) in early November. I suspect the Xrays will show that I need to replace that hip soon. I am thinking that I may not make it a full 5 years on this resurfaced hip. But at least it has been a great 5-ish years. I do not regret having that surgery. But all evidence of it will be gone in a matter of months, just as happened on the other side.

It’s only a matter of time…

My right (resurfaced but not replaced) hip continues to deteriorate. I am hoping to hold out for at least another 2 years before I have that one replaced. But I fear it will have to be sooner. 🙁  I have been trying various dietary changes for the past few years but nothing seems to help. Gluten-free. Reduced consumption of night-shades and dairy. Cherries for my gout. Still taking glucosamine, flax seed oil, etc. I have also recently added high-polyphenol olive oil. We’ll see if any of this helps…

uh oh…

My right (non-artificial) hip has been giving me problems lately. I lost my day job about 6 weeks ago and have been making use of the time, adding some cross-training in kick-boxing, more weight-training, etc. I think this has greatly accelerated the further deterioration of my hip condition. My artificial side is feeling good. But I’m afraid I will have to replace the other side sooner than previously anticipated. I’m getting some pretty horrible sounding grinding sounds and intermittent pain. It’s not terribly painful. But I am definitely feeling some discomfort these days.

feeling good…

Got another pop in my hip tonight. That’s probably only about the 4th or 5th time that’s happened. I’ve been pretty flexible. The only potential problem I’ve experienced recently is a grinding sound in the right (real bone) side.  Getting ready for our annual charity kick-a-thon later this month. Shouldn’t be a problem doing the 2000+ kicks. Anyone could do that, right? 😉    more info: http://holidaydrive.sffoodbank.org/team/8281930664


I haven’t written on this blog for quite some time, due to a combination of being very busy (moved twice, sold a house, bought a house, got married, teaching more Karate…) and very little changing with the condition of my hips. But something new happened a couple days ago that I felt like sharing… I was stretching out when I heard my left (fake) hip POP! Yes, it has been a few years since I’ve heard that sound come out of that hip and it felt GOOD. I’ve been getting pops fairly regularly from my right (resurfaced) hip but this was the first on the left side. It popped again last night. It looks like I’m finally getting back to my old range of flexibility.

pushing harder, but being careful

I have been training harder at the dojo and doing cross-training.  Although there is sometimes some pain, it is so minor compared to what it used to be.  Range-of-motion continues to be my biggest obstacle. But even that has improved a little in the past few months.

continuing to improve

It looks like my last post disappeared… To recap, I did relatively well in the 50-mile charity bike ride in July.  It wasn’t a race, per se, but I did finish in the top 20 (maybe 15) out of several hundred riders (maybe well over 1000?).  So I guess I’m recovering just fine.  I seem to have pretty much all my strength back but definitely still have range-of-motion issues.  I can kick to the head just fine to the front (jodan maegeri) but almost all other kicks are a struggle to get above waist/belt height.  I can move lots of weight on the machines at the gym but my range is limited.  I feel some aching in my hips (both of them, but more left (artificial side) than the right) after doing harder workouts.  But it’s much better than it was a year or two ago.  MUCH better…

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