February 15, 2008
Back to physical therapy
I went to physical therapy yesterday afternoon. As people who know me well can tell you, I am generally a very serious person in terms of working hard and not wasting my time, but I also like to bring a smile to people’s faces as I joke around. So with that in mind, the conversation with my physical therapist was quite interesting… As soon as I saw her, I asked her if she made it to observe any of the surgery. She had told me she was interested and I arranged through the surgeon’s office for her to be able to observe if she wanted to. She gave me a strange look and said “I can’t believe you are asking me that! We had an entire conversation before you went into surgery!” Very strange… They had given me a pre-anesthesia “cocktail” while wheeling me toward the operating room. The hallway started moving in strange ways around me. I guess this is the sort of experience I missed out on back in college because I was always so serious about my studies… Anyway, she told me that she came and was talking with a doctor and that I picked my head up and said “Hey Lisa! Glad you could make it. I guess I won’t be doing any exercises with you TODAY!” So I was joking around coherently and have no recollection of it. So weird.
<> Anyway, the therapy on my right leg is basically just stretching at this point. I spent some time on the bike with both feet strapped in, but I was under strict orders to only use my left leg to pedal. I then did a bunch of strengthening exercises on my left leg. I have been balancing on that leg for the past 10+ days so it is definitely getting strong again. Not much pain in my left hip now but I am not really pushing it because I am limited so much by my right side. While strntching out my right leg/hip, it was noted that the flexibility on that side is almost as the same level as for my left. So I am sure that once the bone heals in about 6 weeks, I will recover very quickly after that.