February 12, 2008
Dr visit
It has been a week and a day since my 2nd surgery. I visited the Dr today for a status check and to get my stitches removed. We spoke quite a bit about the surgery itself, the recovery process, etc.  He told me that separating the icing and exercise machine portions of my therapy are perfectly fine; that they are just usually done together for the sake of efficiency, since most “normal” (non-professional/collegiate athletes) do not have the time to do anywhere near what is recommended for each part of the therapy. He did, however, advise me to stick to the 30 minutes on / 30 minutes off cycle for icing, instead of doing it for up to 2 hours straight. When he asked how I felt and I responded that I actually feel better on this leg than the other, he said that this was a common reaction. Somehow, the feeling seems to be better in this version of the surgery than with the lesser version. But in actuality, the condition of the hip is much more delicate. He said I should keep to the 8-weeks-on-crutches plan, putting minimal weight on my right leg. But he said I must keep moving the leg and suggested starting physical therapy visits soon so they could help me with this.
It turns out that the doctor poked about 15 holes in my bone (microfracture), which is basically to fill with marrow over the coming weeks. I also had a labral tear. So there was quite a lot of work done.  What was expected to be about 90 minutes of surgery time turned out to be well over 2 hours.