FAI (Femoro-acetabular Impingement) & Karate

My personal experience with FAI and what you should know about this condition

8 weeks?!

What I wrote a couple days ago, the night after the surgery, about not being in pain… You can forget that.  I couldn’t sleep almost at all Monday night; less than 2 hours in total.  It was quite bad.  I took 3 of the pain-killers between 3am and 11am and the pain continued through to the late afternoon yesterday.  The good news? I’m feeling MUCH better now.  In fact, it is very hard to believe what they told me at the post-op Dr’s visit today…

I had a microfracture.  That means I am supposed to be on crutches (20 lbs max weight on right leg) for 8 weeks.  I am also supposed to continue to use the leg exerciser and ice for 8 weeks.  And they suggested that I hold off on going back to physical therapy for a couple weeks.  This is obviously going to frustrate me considerably. I am cancelling a family trip, a trip to Japan for Karate and will have to make a few changes  in my plans for my hectic March seminar schedule. Better safe than sorry, though…


  1. kjbrown92
    February 7th, 2008 | 7:32 am

    Wow, that really stinks! Did you have the microfracture in the hip before the surgery and not know it? Or did the surgery cause it? Sounds painful at any rate. Go SLOW and do what the doctor says. Watch the seminars in March instead of participating. It will be difficult for you, I am sure, but you need to heal first and foremost. Dad says he’ll come out and help you if you want!

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