FAI (Femoro-acetabular Impingement) & Karate

My personal experience with FAI and what you should know about this condition

8 weeks on hip #2!

According to the Dr, I was to be putting no more than 20 lbs of weight on my right leg through the 8-week mark.  That was today.  My appointment with him is not until Thursday.  So I am still keeping a crutch stuck to my right side until I get the official nod from him.  Hopefully he will confirm that all is well and I can move ahead with my recovery at a quick pace.   It has been 3 1/2 months since my left hip surgery.  Although I still feel some minor discomfort in that hip with sharp turns (don’t forget that the left leg is bearing almost all my weight most of the time), it seems like it is getting very close to full recovery and will be there just as soon as my right side can do some serious catching up.

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