FAI (Femoro-acetabular Impingement) & Karate

My personal experience with FAI and what you should know about this condition

strengthening the right hip

Yesterday marked 4 weeks since the surgery on my right hip.  So after the usual stretching at the physical therapist’s, she started me on some light strengthening exercises for that size (in addition to all the strenuous exercises I have been doing on my left).  It felt so good to be putting some weight on the right side (slowly, with control).  Even “baby steps” are better than no steps… It is still frustrating but at least I am seeing more of the light at the end of the tunnel. I will make up for lost time later.  The left side continues to get stronger but range of motion is definitely suffering, to a great extent because I am constantly balancing on that side to minimize the weight on my right.

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